Monday, March 30, 2020

Peer Tutoring - Is it the Delegations Fault?

Peer Tutoring - Is it the Delegation's Fault?I am writing this article in response to the recent publicity about a Wesleyan professor's public disparaging comments about While this has certainly been widely publicized, it is not only the adjunct faculty that has been affected by this episode. The doctoral student who has been known as 'Peer Tutor' since the mid-1990s has been subject to online harassment and abuse.Last week, when I learned that some of my classmates were preparing a letter of protest, I wondered if the outcry over the deans' comments would affect my experience with Dean Allison. After all, a new professor may not have had a lot of interaction with her, but I had also become acquainted with her during my time at Wesleyan, and we have a good relationship.I went to check out the situation on Thursday night, and what surprised me most was how many students were ready to join the protest. Most of them seemed relatively junior, like myself , and did not have any particular loyalty to the Dean. In fact, they seemed to feel a strong sense of ownership in this situation, knowing how much the Dean had been instrumental in helping them through their PhD program and career.The dean of the graduate school has an active and visible job, not only through her teaching but also her involvement in the community. This gives her a number of opportunities to get involved in local issues, not just through her teaching. Some students worried that the protests would make it harder for her to do her job. It appears that the actual question that I think must be asked, is whether the current protest will actually help the dean.Does the dissatisfaction of some of her students mean that her job is in jeopardy? Her continued presence as the dean of graduate studies may be contingent on the fact that she is popular and she is still known as the dean of the graduate school. What can students really do? What are some of the alternatives to prot esting against the dean?The student who planned the protest against the dean was quite active online, which could indicate the difficulties of getting students to take on these roles. My guess is that this will not have any impact on her presence as dean. It also seems that the students who care enough to do something are not quite sure what that something is. More than one has noted that one of the reasons for the protest was, 'Dean Allison isn't doing enough,' while the other students claim, 'Dean Allison doesn't want to do anything.' While both arguments might have some merit, neither one may help the dean, or those who were affected by the protests.In fact, it seems that a letter written by students saying that 'Dean Allison doesn't want to do anything' may actually have played into the hands of those who oppose her, as her name will now be part of the complaints about her. There was one undergraduate who wrote the letter, saying 'I'm worried that she'll be fired because we won' t let her continue as dean!' This is a perfectly reasonable concern and one that should be aired openly, but one wonders if such fears are being felt because the Dean is actually doing her job, or because she is not doing her job. In any case, we must recognize that although the dean has been targeted by some students for the last several weeks, she remains the Dean of Graduate Studies, even if her place in the community has been attacked.The real question for the future is whether students will still protest against the dean because she isn't doing enough, or because she is doing too much. And why did it take so long for students to see this as a problem? I suspect that this controversy has been brewing for some time and has been ignored by students who wanted to avoid conflict, or who are simply too busy with academic work to take an active role in protesting. the Dean.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Journey to Learning Spanish for Beginner Students

The Journey to Learning Spanish for Beginner Students Learning a foreign language is by no means a piece of cake, but it is definitely not impossible. Back in middle school, I remember when I first found out that I would be taking Spanish classes, I was quite nervous. However, I quickly found myself very interested, and I developed my own strategies to effectively learn Spanish and do well in my future Spanish courses. I am not from a Spanish speaking country and I do not have any Spanish speaking friends. Fortunately, both in middle school and high school, I was able to receive a Spanish achievement award during the awards ceremonies. The strategies that I developed will guide students to excel in their beginner as well as more advanced Spanish courses.1. Have a Solid Knowledge of the Basics.As a student, you must be able to know the basics in the Spanish language. By basics I mean the alphabet, colors, days of the week, months, seasons, and etc. You should also know the definition of basic words such as name, age, and origin. The next step to knowing the basics is repetition. You must make flashcards with pronunciations, and also you must write out each new word multiple times in order to memorize the correct spelling.2. Translate the familiar words first.When you read a sentence and don’t understand the meaning of a sentence, translate word by word. For instance, ¿Quantos años tienes? may seem unclear at first, however, if you translate each word, the question will make a lot of sense. Quantos means How many? Años means years, and tienes means you have. By translating each word you can figure out that the question is asking about your age. This is a simple example, however, you can use the same tactics for more complex questions/ sentences. You can even pick out children’s Spanish books and translate each word to practice your translation skills.3.Familiarize yourself with the infinitive form and all of the conjugations.The infinitive form of the verb has AR, ER, or IR ending such as hablar, comer, and v ivir. Make sure you know that the infinitive form is to+ verb such as hablar is to + speak. Many people confuse the conjugated forms of the verb. Therefore, make sure you know that hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, and hablan all refer to the verb hablar which means to speak. However, they do not mean the same thing, each form refers to its own pronoun. For instance, when you see the word hablan do not say it automatically think that it means to speak, recognize that this verb is conjugated and it refers to THEY speak.4. Repetition, repetition, repetitionI can not stress enough repetition can help you learn quickly.Make notes, flashcards, and repeat the new words as much as possible. Another great way of memorizing is writing out the names of objects in Spanish on a sticky note and sticking it to the corresponding object. For instance, you can put a sticky note with the word SILLA on a chair, MESA on a table, and etc. Each time you will look at these objects you will see the Spanish t ranslation along with the correct spelling.5. Watch Videos.Nowadays, we all go on youtube and watch some sort of a video in varying lengths. Every once in a while, just search for a Spanish movie with Spanish subtitles and also English subtitles. You do not have to watch an entire episode, you can just watch a few minutes every day. When you read the previous sentence, you might think why Spanish subtitles? Well, reading the Spanish subtitles will allow you to get better at spelling, and also sometimes the actors might speak too fast, so if you read the subtitles you might better understand the meaning. Also, the English subtitles will allow you to get the meaning of simple and more complex words. For instance, after you hear the word VAMOS, or ¿Que Paso? multiple times you will quickly learn their meaning since Spanish speaking people use them a lot.

Four Easy Ways to Make Summer Break Fun and Educational

Four Easy Ways to Make Summer Break Fun and Educational Four Easy Ways to Make Summer Break Fun and Educational Playgrounds may not be the only place your kids experience a “slide” this summer. While a break from the mental taxation of school is needed, studies show most kids lose two and a half months of their math computational skills between school grades. The same loss can happen in reading during the long school break. Just imagine the math and reading your child learned in the last marking period being completely forgotten by the fall. The good news is there is plenty of time in the summer for fun and learning. Here are simple things parents can do to prevent learning loss and keep skills sharp through the summer. Encourage your child to read books. The easiest way to counter learning loss is for kids to read books. Try to incorporate reading into your child’s bedtime routine. If you have an early riser, this is a great activity first thing in the morning. Reading each day goes a long way towards developing valuable vocabulary and comprehension skills. Enroll in a learning program. If you want even more enrichment, the best method is to find an individualized learning program. The Kumon Math and Reading program provides customized lesson plans year-round for pre-school through high school aged children and can help prevent the summer slide. Take a walking or biking tour. Whether you explore your own neighborhood or a new one while on vacation, educational walking or bicycle tours are a great way to learn about history while getting some exercise. Visit a museum. Start by exploring your local museum’s web site to help get your child excited about a visit. Search for interactive exhibits and periods of history that your child has studied in school to make it even more engaging. Make those exhibits among your first stops when you visit the museum. Summer is a break from school, but doesn’t have to be a break from learning. Take regular fun activities that are already planned and turn them into learning opportunities. Without even realizing it, your kids will enjoy themselves while keeping their brains stimulated and engaged. You might also be interested in: Maintaining Momentum this Summer to Keep from Falling Behind 5 Creative Summer Reading Tips 6 Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup Four Easy Ways to Make Summer Break Fun and Educational Four Easy Ways to Make Summer Break Fun and Educational Playgrounds may not be the only place your kids experience a “slide” this summer. While a break from the mental taxation of school is needed, studies show most kids lose two and a half months of their math computational skills between school grades. The same loss can happen in reading during the long school break. Just imagine the math and reading your child learned in the last marking period being completely forgotten by the fall. The good news is there is plenty of time in the summer for fun and learning. Here are simple things parents can do to prevent learning loss and keep skills sharp through the summer. Encourage your child to read books. The easiest way to counter learning loss is for kids to read books. Try to incorporate reading into your child’s bedtime routine. If you have an early riser, this is a great activity first thing in the morning. Reading each day goes a long way towards developing valuable vocabulary and comprehension skills. Enroll in a learning program. If you want even more enrichment, the best method is to find an individualized learning program. The Kumon Math and Reading program provides customized lesson plans year-round for pre-school through high school aged children and can help prevent the summer slide. Take a walking or biking tour. Whether you explore your own neighborhood or a new one while on vacation, educational walking or bicycle tours are a great way to learn about history while getting some exercise. Visit a museum. Start by exploring your local museum’s web site to help get your child excited about a visit. Search for interactive exhibits and periods of history that your child has studied in school to make it even more engaging. Make those exhibits among your first stops when you visit the museum. Summer is a break from school, but doesn’t have to be a break from learning. Take regular fun activities that are already planned and turn them into learning opportunities. Without even realizing it, your kids will enjoy themselves while keeping their brains stimulated and engaged. You might also be interested in: Maintaining Momentum this Summer to Keep from Falling Behind 5 Creative Summer Reading Tips 6 Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun this Summer Soar Past the Summer Slide with Kumon’s Summer Learning Roundup

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Prepare For the ACT General Chemistry Final Exam

How to Prepare For the ACT General Chemistry Final ExamA student taking the American College Testing (ACT) General Chemistry final exam must perform his or her best. The test is the final measure of whether a student has learned enough about chemistry to earn a college degree. While taking the test, it is important to remember that the test is graded based on the student's performance, not the subject matter. As a result, a student must know the material well enough to pass the test.Taking the General Chemistry test may be the first step toward earning your college degree. In addition to the American College Testing (ACT) General Chemistry exam, you will also have to take the test for every subject you wish to study. A good prep course can help prepare students for the exams and for the college entrance exam.Students with previous experience studying for the test will do better than those who have never taken an ACT test before. In addition to the exam preparation courses available o nline, some ACT testing centers offer certain classes specifically designed for individuals who have never taken the ACT General Chemistry exam.The test itself is structured to make it easy for students. You will not have to worry about remembering many difficult elements of the test, such as the percentages of hydrogen and oxygen in water. It is more about taking a few questions at a time and trying to answer them correctly.Most students will have a number of tips they can use to prepare for the test. Some students find that practicing the topics covered on the test before taking it can improve their test-taking skills. Others will be able to recall much of the material during their practice sessions. After all, it is often more effective to study what you know and less about what you don't know.For those students who have not taken the test before, they may be more nervous than usual. If this is the case, try to put yourself in a relaxed environment where you won't be interrupted. Allow yourself some time to enjoy some snacks or reading a book. Also, don't be afraid to make mistakes or test yourself more.These tips are useful to students who have never taken the test before. Following these tips will help you make your exam preparation as simple as possible.

All About Online Education Courses From Golden West College

All About Online Education Courses From Golden West CollegeGolden West College is a very reputable school that offers a wide range of online education programs for all ages. For students looking to earn their GED, or a high school diploma, here is a list of educational institutions that will be worth visiting.Golden West College is not only a school but it is also an online learning institution that offers many courses at their Tutoring Center. There are a number of courses that they offer online that will help students earn their high school diploma. This will be a great way for any student who has failed to get into a regular college or university to earn their high school diploma.One of the most important things that Golden West offers is the following course: Introduction to Technical Writing. Students can take this course and learn how to write technical documents and blogs with ease. This course will teach you the basics and let you practice writing articles for your college pr oject. After completing this course, you can make your way to higher levels and eventually study for your college examinations.The second course on the list of online courses offered by the Tutoring Center is Core-Level English. Students will have to start off this course by reading some chapters of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Then, they will have to read some passages from Pride and Prejudice. They will be given readings and a period of writing essays on each of these novels.After finishing this course, students will have to get a grade for each essay, and they will need to submit them to the school for their college exams. The student's grades will be used to determine if they pass or fail. If they pass, they will receive their high school diploma and their transcripts will be sent to their home universities.It is important to note that this course will only cover a part of English; students will still need to take other courses to earn a full associate's degree in English. Golden West College is a very well-known school, and they offer a number of high school level courses. Some of these courses include Advanced Placement (AP) High School and College entrance exam. These high school courses will determine your acceptance into a high school.Students can find online college courses from Golden West for a very reasonable price. Since they are a private university, they don't charge tuition for these courses. With so many different universities to choose from, students may want to take advantage of this course when they are considering college.

Linnaeus Taxonomy Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Linnaeus Taxonomy Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace Plants and animals are placed in a series or succession of different ranks or categories according to their natural relationship.Hierarchy is a system in which members of a type are organized in ranks one above the other. Heierarchy of categories or taxonomic hierarchy is the system of arrangement of taxonomic categories in a descending order depending upon their relative dimensions. It was introduced by Linnaeus. And is therefore also called as Linnaean hierarchy or taxonomic hierarchy. Linnaeus proposed 5 categories- class, order, genus, species and variety. Later workers deleted the category of variety and added the categories of kingdom, phylum, and family. The taxonomic categories which are always used in hierarchical classification of organisms are called obligate categories. They are seven in number. Obligate categories in the descending order are kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Species: The lowest taxon or category in the biological classification is species. So the basic unit of taxonomy is species. Species are a group of individuals which can interbreed in the natural environment and produce fertile offspring. Genus: A genus is a group of related species. All the species in a genus has many common characteristics and all have evolved from a common ancestor. Family: A family is an assemblage of related genera. Order: An order is a category of related families. Class: Several related orders having certain common characters form a higher category called the class. Phylum or Division: Classes having same features in common constitute a phylum. Kingdom: The highest taxon or category in the biological classification is the Kingdom. It includes one or more related division or Phyla.

Denominator Definition

Denominator Definition Denominator is defined as the divisor or the number which is below the line in a fraction. The upper number is numerator. This can be better explained by taking the fraction, say x/y. In this fraction x is numerator while y is denominator. To solve any problem related to fraction such as addition and subtraction, it is mandatory to take Least common multiple of the denominator. After finding the Least common multiple we can use cross multiply method to solve or find the value of fraction problem. Denominator definition is more clarified by the below mentioned examples. Question 1: Write down the denominators of the following problem and also solve the problem mentioned below: 4/5 + 3/2 Solution: In the given problem 4/5 + 3/2, the denominator in first term is 5 and denominator in second term is 2. Now to solve the problem, first we need to find the Least common multiple of the denominator that is the LCM of 5 and 2 which is 10 Therefore, 4/5 + 3/2 = (8+15)/10 = 23/10 = 2.3 Hence after solving 4/5 + 3/2 we get 2.3 as a solution. Question 2: Find the denominator after solving the below mentioned problem:2/3+ 3/2 Solution: In the problem 2/3+ 3/2, the denominator of first term is 3 and denominator of second term is 2. Therefore the Least common multiple of 3 and2 is 6. Hence on solving, 2/3+ 3/2 = (4+ 9)/6 = 13/6 Hence the LCM after solving is 13/6.